Review: The Clean Coder

The Clean Coder, by Robert C. "Uncle Bob" Martin is subtitled, A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers. It is a concise guide for Software Engineers as well as those who manage them on best practices for professionalism both in coding and interacting with team members, managers and business partners.

The book is an easy read, peppered with personal anecdotes about Martin's own experiences working as a programmer back in the old punch-card days as wells as several dialogues that demonstrate the does and don'ts for communicating with stake holders. It also is an inventory of tools and behaviors a professional programmer should try to adhere to in order to not only act professional, but to be treated as a professional by peers and supervisors.

Among the advice proffered in the book is the notion that professional programming is not just a 40 hour a week job, but a career and a skill that needs to be exercised much like a musician will practice scales and etudes to hone their crafts. He advises that they spend time outside of work exploring other programming languages, and keeping up to date on the latest technologies, patterns and methodologies.


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