Curiosity Digest #11

JavaScript Getting Creative with the Console API! - supercharge your console.log()'s and make monitoring and debugging your app more pleasant. Use $ & $$ Instead of document.querySelector/All in JavaScript without jQuery - for those of you who are Breaking Up With jQuery ... ES6 features in JavaScript - familiarize yourself with some of the most popular ES6 goodies Generating PDFs in Javascript for fun and profit! - Sometimes you want to generate PDFs on the fly, and now you can do so in JavaScript. Making the Move from jQuery to Vue - No, you don't have to give up jQuery, but if you want to transfer everything you've learned using it to Vue, check out this article. Node Next Genpm - A look at some npm alternatives Git A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom - Make sure you're protected! Machine Learning What is Machine Learning? - a primer on what ML is and how it works. Development The 3 Lies Stopp...