Curiosity Digest #12

JavaScript How does JavaScript Really Work? (Part 1) - If you're curious as to just how JavaScirpt does what it does -- and you should be! -- here's a great article. How does JavaScript Really Work? (Part 2) - see above. Programming languages: Why JavaScript developers are choosing TypeScript - TypeScript is exploding... in a good way. CSS Animating CSS Grid Rows and Columns - New animation support for CSS Grids 10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for May 2019 - Some really cool stuff in here, and they put out this list every month! Node Cooking Recipes for Web Applications with Node.js, Express.js and TypeScript - Bring TypeScript into your node express server. Machine Learning Beginner's guide for Tensor Flow - The basics of Google's machine-learning library. Artificial Intelligence Use this cutting-edge AI text generator to write stories, poems, news articles, and more - Hmm, I might use this to make some posts for ...