Curiosity Digest #4


  • The Value of Inconvenient Design - A very interesting article about how making things easier has unintended consequences. What I found curious was the portion that describes an experiment were 2 groups of people were asked to assign a value to a storage box from Ikea. One group was just given the box, assembled, while the other had to put it together themselves. Turns out the DIYer gave it a higher value because there was a greater sense of ownership. I see a parallel in writing code. Watching videos and cutting and pasting code makes it easier, but you get more value out of following along with that video or retyping the code instead of just pasting it. Something to think about.
Web API's

JavaScript Frameworks
  • Why your company should start using Vue.js - Curiously, I'm right in the middle of evaluating Vue for use at my company. Looks promising. It's progressive nature is very appealing, easy to get started with, but it also can use Webpack to become even more powerful. 


  1. GoldTiSC Technology: The Complete List of Iron Spades, Stainless Steel
    The babylisspro nano titanium GoldTiSC Technology: snow peak titanium spork The Complete List of Iron Spades, Stainless Steel Blades, Stainless Steel titanium trim reviews Blades, Stainless titanium nose stud Steel Blades. We have the following items in stock: Stainless Steel titanium fidget spinner Spades

  2. They have been usually descendants of the inflow of immigrants coming into the USA right now. Although the widespread stereotype is that these bookies have been of Italian descent, many leading bookies have been of eastern European ancestry. You may improve this article, focus on the difficulty on the discuss web page, or create a brand new} article, as applicable. But it want to|might need to} spend less on advertising to match the hefty price ticket ESPN attached to the deal. Last 12 months, DraftKings reported a 62% enhance in revenue to $644 million. But the move is a fraught one for Disney outcome of|as a result of} it might 우리카지노 sully the corporate's brand and generate losses if the business fails to deliver returns.


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