Curiosity Digest #7

- Styling Based on Scroll Position - for those of you curious on the state of the art CSS for One Page layouts.
- Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit for CSS - Very interesting look at how designers deal with maintaining aspect ratios and how an addition to the CSS specification would help.
- Why You Should Know Latest JavaScript - "Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript"--Jeff Atwood (Co-Founder of Stack Overflow) That quote punctuates this article on why when it comes to JavaScript, you need to stay curious!
- Prevent Object Retrieval TypeError with && - A nice explanation of how to use the Guard Operator, &&, in JavaScript. Guard Operator? I thought && was a logical AND. Yep, read up on how to up your JavaScript skills and avoid a lot of unnecessary if statements.
- 7 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Web Designers - These extensions cover everything from inspecting the design properties of elements to inspiring design ideas. The one that caught my eye was FontFace Ninja, that lets you identify web fonts you see on other sites in case you come across one that would be perfect for your needs.
- The2 Most Important Software Dev Skills Aren't Technical - I must confess, I need to work on both of these!
The Web
- The World Wide Web turns 30 - This was a while ago, but still a good read.
That's Weird
- ji32k7au4a83is a surprisingly bad password - Well, obviously I was very curious when I saw this article!
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