Curiosity Digest #9

- Why SvelteJS may be the best freamework for new web devs - A simple, component based non-framework framework. I'm curious...
- Understanding Event Emitters - in depth look at what they are and how to use them.
- Blurred Borders in CSS - An interesting effect for creating an attention getting border for your images.
- The 10 Most Popular Open Source Front-End Web UI Kits - Yes, there's more than just Bootstrap out there. Check out these amazing UI Kits to jump-start your front-end design.
- lys-lang/lys: ⚜︎ A language that compiles to WebAssembly - I'm telling you, WebAssembly is something you should know about, if not just outright know.
- Flutter -- Visual STudio Code Shortcuts for Fast and Efficient Development - for those of you playing around with Flutter, here's a nice VS Code extension for you!
- How to add 'Move to' and 'Copy to' to the context menu in Windows 10 - I can see where this can come in handy...
- NEW PRODUCTS – Pimoroni Inky wHATs - eInk/ePaper displays for your DIYers.
- Google Backs Mojo Vision's 'Invisible Computing' Augmented Reality Platform - I was sad to hear that Google is abandoning it's Dreamcast VR platform, but hopefully they're making room for AR instead...
- Home automation add-ons for Raspberry Pi - Always looking for cool new stuff in the home automation space!
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