
Showing posts from August, 2018

Curiosity Digest #1

Curiosity Digest #1 - August 21, 2018 Stuff I'm curious about... Learning Random Computer Terms and a Lifetime of Learning - DEV Community Always like to see blogs and articles about learning. This guy is embarking on an interesting journey. Pick random computer computer terms and post about them. Could me fun!  What I learned by building my own VS Code extension Learning as much as you can about the tools you use is always a good idea. Programming Languages IsJulia a good alternative to R and Python for programmers? PossiblePython rival? Programming language Julia is winning over developers I'm always curious about how new programming languages come to be and gain popularity. Watching JavaScript frameworks come and go is interesting, but computer languages are a whole different story. Tutorials Git Git Tutorials for Beginners - Complete Course For anyone who wants or needs to learn Git, I always recommend seeking out as many different sources of knowled...

Curiosity and Learning (and Robots!)

I came across an interesting article the other day when I was Googling the word "Curiosity" because, well, what better way to use Google than to just type in a word and see what you get? It was published in a Web Magazine called Nautilus. The title is " Curiosity Depends on What You Already Know ," but what grabbed my attention was the title it showed up under in my Google search results: "Robots and Babies Both Use Curiosity to Learn." How awesome is that? I teach a Web Development Bootcamp, and one of the things I stress to my students is my absolute belief in the power of curiosity. The article puts curiosity on par with hunger, thirst and sex drive as a driving motivation for doing the things we do -- despite the fact that there is no extrinsic reward associated with is as there is with eating, drinking and procreating. Apparently, it's quite common for animals to trade rewards for information -- that is, given a verdant environment filled w...