The Command Line and You - Part One
I'm teaching a group of students in a Coding Bootcamp, and one of the first things we're learning about his how to get around a Command Line Interface -- in this class, we have a mix of Mac and PC users, so the former is using Terminal, while the latter is using Git Bash. I'm "seasoned" enough to have worked on DOS computers, where the first thing you saw when you turned on the computer was the blinking cursor next to the C:\> Prompt, very much like what you see in the Windows Command Line (cmd.exe) today. From there, you issued commands to navigate your file structure and launch programs. We didn't know anything else. You had to know your way around the command line to get anything done, like copying files to a floppy disk or launching WordPerfect. Then along came Windows (okay, MacIntosh, then Windows) and for a while there, the Command Line was relegated to an "It's there in case you need it" role. Hidden away, as the computer operat...
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