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Blessed Are the Curious...

I recently attended the Microsoft Build conference in Seattle. It was my first such conference and although I've been watching live streams and recorded videos from Build, IO, and WWDC over the years, but being there is an altogether different experience. I met some interesting people while I was there. There is a guy, Phillip Labar, who has been first in line for the keynote for the last 8 years. How did I meet him? I was 3rd in line. Phillip got there at 4:00am. I showed up at 5:45am and was only 2 spots behind him, so I think that worked out well for me. Why did I show up so early? Well, the information for the conference warned me that the line for the Keynote started early. I asked the guys at the Information Desk what that meant, and they entertained me with stories of lines snaking out the building by 5:30 in the morning (the Keynote was scheduled to start at 8:30am). Turns out, I woke up at around 5:00am since I was still on Central time (only 7:00am on my bio-clock), ...

Curiosity Digest #12

JavaScript How does JavaScript Really Work? (Part 1) - If you're curious as to just how JavaScirpt does what it does -- and you should be! -- here's a great article. How does JavaScript Really Work? (Part 2) - see above. Programming languages: Why JavaScript developers are choosing TypeScript - TypeScript is exploding... in a good way. CSS Animating CSS Grid Rows and Columns - New animation support for CSS Grids 10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for May 2019 - Some really cool stuff in here, and they put out this list every month! Node Cooking Recipes for Web Applications with Node.js, Express.js and TypeScript  - Bring TypeScript into your node express server. Machine Learning Beginner's guide for Tensor Flow - The basics of Google's machine-learning library. Artificial Intelligence Use this cutting-edge AI text generator to write stories, poems, news articles, and more - Hmm, I might use this to make some posts for ...

Curiosity Digest #11

JavaScript Getting Creative with the Console API! - supercharge your console.log()'s and make monitoring and debugging your app more pleasant. Use $ & $$ Instead of document.querySelector/All in JavaScript without jQuery - for those of you who are Breaking Up With jQuery ... ES6 features in JavaScript - familiarize yourself with some of the most popular ES6 goodies Generating PDFs in Javascript for fun and profit! - Sometimes you want to generate PDFs on the fly, and now you can do so in JavaScript. Making the Move from jQuery to Vue - No, you don't have to give up jQuery, but if you want to transfer everything you've learned using it to Vue, check out this article. Node Next Genpm - A look at some npm alternatives Git A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom - Make sure you're protected! Machine Learning What is Machine Learning? - a primer on what ML is and how it works. Development The 3 Lies Stopp...

Curiosity Digest #10

CSS How to Align Things in CSS - A great article showing how to do all the things you wish you knew how to do when it comes to aligning stuff with CSS 50+ Best Free Bootstrap Templates to Create Modern Websites 2019 - You know, using Bootstrap doesn't mean it has to look like you're using Bootstrap... CSS Houdini Could Change the Way We Write and Manage CSS - a new way to manage CSS? Yes, I'm curious! React Beyond Create React App: React Router, Redux Saga, and More - Okay, you've got a good handle on the basics of React, what comes next? This article has some ideas for you. VS Code Write beautiful and consistent JavaScript code using ESLint, Prettier and VSCode - How to bring consistency to your team's code -- but just as useful for creating consistent, well-formatted code for yourself. UI/UX Perfect object-oriented UX - A designer discusses how the principles of object oriented programming can carry over to design. Development ...

Curiosity Digest #9

JavaScript Why SvelteJS may be the best freamework for new web devs - A simple, component based non-framework framework. I'm curious... Understanding Event Emitters - in depth look at what they are and how to use them. CSS Blurred Borders in CSS - An interesting effect for creating an attention getting border for your images. The 10 Most Popular Open Source Front-End Web UI Kits - Yes, there's more than just Bootstrap out there. Check out these amazing UI Kits to jump-start your front-end design. WebAssembly lys-lang/lys: ⚜︎ A language that compiles to WebAssembly - I'm telling you, WebAssembly is something you should know about, if not just outright know. VS Code Flutter -- Visual STudio Code Shortcuts for Fast and Efficient Development - for those of you playing around with Flutter, here's a nice VS Code extension for you! Windows How to add 'Move to' and 'Copy to' to the context menu in Windows 10 - I can see where...

Curiosity Digest #8

JavaScript The JavaScript Developer's Reading List - Actually, a repo on GitGub with a list of recommended books and articles.  HTML A JavaScript Free Frontend - One developer's approach to speed up web sites by leaving off the JavaScript entirely and rendering everything on the server. WebAssembly How WebAssembly will change the way you build web apps - Not too soon to start checking out this revolutionary technology to create web apps that run 10-800% faster than JavaScript. VS Code console.log() Faster with Turbo Console Log - an extension that helps you quickly throw a console.log() into your JavaScript code for debugging. Git Git, GitHub & Workflow Fundamentals - A great review of source control fundamentals for using Git with a team. Machine Learning Why machine learning engineer is the best job in America, not developer or data scientist - And so SkyNet begins... .NET Navigating in Blazor - A navigation strategy for Mic...

Curiosity Digest #7

CSS Styling Based on Scroll Position - for those of you curious on the state of the art CSS for One Page layouts. Designing An Aspect Ratio Unit for CSS - Very interesting look at how designers deal with maintaining aspect ratios and how an addition to the CSS specification would help. JavaScript Why You Should Know Latest JavaScript - "Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript"--Jeff Atwood (Co-Founder of Stack Overflow)  That quote punctuates this article on why when it comes to JavaScript, you need to stay curious! Prevent Object Retrieval TypeError with && - A nice explanation of how to use the Guard Operator, &&, in JavaScript. Guard Operator? I thought && was a logical AND. Yep, read up on how to up your JavaScript skills and avoid a lot of unnecessary if statements. Development 7 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Web Designers - These extensions cover everything from inspecti...

Git for the New Developer - Three Ways (Part One)

One of the first things any new developer should learn is how to use a version control system, and the most popular of these today is Git and the most popular home for Git is GitHub. Using GitHub requires the installation of Git on the computer where you're doing your development. That's easy enough. You can readily find the download page for Windows or Mac and install it as you would any other piece of software. So far, so good. And then, you are introduced to the command line. Most new developers are unfamiliar with the command line (check out my series on The Command Line and You) and are baffled by its inconsistent command names, abbreviated option parameters. Throw in SSH or sudo and you quickly discover why GUIs (Graphic User Interfaces) were invented. It seems strange that our operating systems are collections of icons, window and menus, but we still have to use the command line, with virtually the same set of instructions it was born with, to use something that...